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WhatsApp: How do I know whether I am blocked?

Question by Guest | 2018-02-17 at 20:01

Is WhatsApp offering any way to find out if you was blocked by one of your contacts? Can you read that out somewhere in the settings or as a status of Whats App? Or is there a list somewhere?

Somehow, I have the feeling that I am blocked by my best friend since the weekend. She is no longer responding to messages from me and I can not see her profile picture anymore.

Is there a clear way to tell if I'm really blocked?

1Best Answer1 Vote

Unfortunately, WhatsApp does not provide a way to be 100 % sure that you have been blocked by a contact. So there is no function or the like that gives you a list of those who have blocked you and also in the settings and options of a contact you can not see that, unfortunately.

Nevertheless, there are two signs that speak strongly for a blockage:

  • Profile Picture: You can not see the photo of the contact anymore.
  • Messages: You can no longer write a message to the contact, only a gray tick appears.

The reason for the thing with the photo can of course also result from the fact that the corresponding contact simply has no profile photo set at the moment or has removed it for a while. The hooks of the messages may also appear because the contact was no longer online.

Therefore, these indicators speak for it, especially if the person is otherwise very often online and has always set a picture, but absolutely sure you can not say it, unfortunately.
2018-02-18 at 18:23

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