22 Votes

Which country became European Football Champion twice in a row?

Question by Technokrat | Last update on 2021-07-12 | Created on 2016-06-18

Can someone tell me which team respectively country has managed to become winner of the European Championships twice in succession and became European Football Champion two times in a row with this?

Or was there never such a case?

2Best Answer2 Votes

Up to now, this case has happened only for one single time. Since the first European football championships 1960 in France, only Spain made it to get the title twice in succession: 2008 and 2012.

  • Spain: European Champion in 2008 and 2012

2008 Spain won 1-0 against Germany in the finals, 2012 4-0 against Italy.

If you want to know it in detail, you can have a look at the table of all previous European football champions.

By the way, the situation is different at the World Cup. Here, this case already has happened for two times (have a look here). Of course, you have also to keep in mind that the Football World Cup is hold 30 years longer than the European Football Championships.
Last update on 2021-07-12 | Created on 2016-06-19

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