22 Votes

How to schedule the FilelistCreator

Question by Piero Bud | 2023-04-03 at 21:53

I would like to schedule the Filelist Creator in order to create every day an XLSX list.

Is it possible?

2Best Answer2 Votes

UPDATE 9/2023: Now, it's possible.

To create an XLSX list, you can use the following command, for example:

FilelistCreator.exe -cl C:\folder cols=name,size save=C:\list.xlsx

This creates a list of all files from the folder "C:\folder" containing the columns "file name" and "file size" and saves this list as "C:\list.xlsx".

As you said you want to create the list daily, it might be a good idea to always save the list under the current date. This can be done using the %date% placeholder in the file name as follows:

FilelistCreator.exe -cl C:\folder cols=name,size save=C:\%%date%%.xlsx

With this, every day's file is stored using the current date as file name.

You can learn more about the command line options of the Filelist Creator as well as an overview of all other placeholders you can use in the file name in the Tutorial about Script Controlling the Filelist Creator CL.

OLD ANSWER: At the moment, the FilelistCreator has no command line options that are required for that.

However, such an enhancement is planed. I will publish it here when a version supporting that is released.
Last update on 2023-09-23 | Created on 2023-04-03

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