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JavaScript: What is the best way to test for an empty string?

Question by Chematik | 2012-01-26 at 17:24

Question above. I want to know the best way to test whether a string is empty in JavaScript.

00 Votes

If you only want to test, if a variable has any value, you can do it like this:

if (str) {

If you want to test, whether it is also a variable of the type String, you can proceed as follows:

if (str === '') {

The comparison operator with three equal signs tests on the one hand on the same content and on the other hand on the same type (in this case string); compared with ==, which only checks for the same content.
2012-01-26 at 21:43

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You can also look at the length of the string, like this:

if (str.length == 0) {
   alert('String is empty.');

Or even more elegant:

if (!str.length) {
   alert('String is empty.');

There are certainly many ways...
2012-01-28 at 17:14

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00 Votes

I think the best solution is the following, so we can also see if our string is null:

if (!!str) {
   alert('Empty String!');

Only that works for me for a string that is undefined, null or empty.
2012-01-28 at 17:09

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00 Votes

If we want to treat even strings that contain only white space, such as spaces or line breaks, as empty, we can do it like this:

if ((/^\s*$/).test(str)) {
   alert('emtpy string or only whitespace');

Of course, this is obviously something heavier in performance, than the other suggested solutions.
2012-01-31 at 21:37

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