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Jogging on the Treadmill: Bad for the Joints?

Question by Guest | 2018-02-12 at 12:28

During summer, I am regularly jogging through the streets in my neighborhood and the adjacent forest. Now, in the winter I have renounced so far, because I do not want to get sick.

An alternative would be to go jogging on a treadmill at the gym or even buy such a treadmill for my home.

However, I am still somewhat skeptical about the health aspects of both sports variants. Is running on the treadmill harmless to health, harmful or even bad for the joints?

00 Votes

I think, both, jogging outdoors and jogging on a treadmill have their advantages and disadvantages.

Treadmills are spring-suspended and not as uneven as forest roads or as hard as asphalt. At the same time, the burden is also very one-sided and not as varied as in the wild. Both can be an advantage or a disadvantage - depending on the perspective, the treadmill or the outdoors are better for the joints.

In general, I would say that you should treat your muscles and your ligaments with variety. Therefore, in my view, there is nothing wrong with sometimes going on a treadmill and sometimes jogging outside.

Much more important to me is that you get sensible clothes and shoes from a specialty store and run with the right technology. That's more important than the difference between treadmill and nature.
2018-02-12 at 20:27

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Personally, after a knee operation, my doctor recommended that I should only walk on the treadmill for a while. Therefore, it can not be so damaging.

Treadmills are usually muffled and it always goes straight ahead. This is easier for the joints than any bumps and roots in nature, where you can quickly bend over. Running downhill is also poison for the knees and that kind of move does not even exist on the treadmill.

Nevertheless, always pay attention to the right shoes (specialist shop) and get an advise there directly, how to improve your running style. As the previous speaker has said, this is often a lot more decisive than the underground.
2018-02-13 at 18:21

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I also think that nothing speaks against a training on the treadmill. However, it is something else to run on the treadmill always "on the spot" without making any progress.

At first this is certainly unusual and maybe not as much fun as in nature. Just try it out for yourself and make the experience, if it is up to you.
2018-02-13 at 21:24

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For an optimal training, variety is required: sometimes on the treadmill, sometimes in the forest, sometimes on the road, sometimes on the crosser and sometimes even backwards.

All this with the right running style and you come very far forward.
2018-02-14 at 07:03

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