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Memory Hook: Which months have 31 days?

Question by Guest | Last update on 2021-05-12 | Created on 2018-03-13

Somehow I am not able to remember how many days each month has.

Sure, if a calendar is in front of me, I can read it and that February plays a special role with its 28 days and the leap year, I also have in my mind.

Anyway, I'd like to have some donkey-bridge, mnemonic or whatever, to always know which the shorter months with their 30 days are and which the long ones with 31 days are. Is there something you know?

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My teacher gave us a little trick when I was at school: You can easily read that information from your hands respectively out of the joints of your fingers.

You start at the little finger of your left hand with January on the top of the joint. This is a long month, January has 31 days. Then you tap in the space between the joint of the little finger and the finger next to it. The gap stands for a short month, in this case February.

Now you can always go on, March is long, April is short, May is long, June is short, and with the long July the hand ends. Now you start again, August is again long, September short, October long, November short and December long again.

Here is a list of all months:

  1. January: 31 days
  2. February: 28 or 29 days
  3. March: 31 days
  4. April: 30 days
  5. Mai: 31 days
  6. Juni: 30 days
  7. July: 31 days
  8. August: 31 days
  9. September: 30 days
  10. October: 31 days
  11. November: 30 days
  12. December: 31 days

Incidentally, for a long time, I had to count the months on my fingers every time. However, the more and more often I had to do with months, the more I just remembered the months directly without any help. At some point I just knew it, that just happened.
Last update on 2021-05-12 | Created on 2018-03-13

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