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PC shuts down during long downloads

Question by Guest | 2013-11-21 at 23:22

Sometimes, I am downloading large files from the Internet and of course, such a download takes time. Unfortunately, my computer always shuts down automatically before the download is completed. The computer is going into its hibernation state.

When turning on the computer back from sleep, the download is aborted and just not possible to continue it, I have to restart it. And the same procedure is starting again.

Unfortunately, I can not stay the whole time while downloading sitting at the computer and moving the mouse, so that the computer remains active. What can I do?

0Best Answer0 Votes

You can specify in the "Power Options" of your Windows computer in which case and whether at all the computer should go into sleep mode or hibernation mode.

Go to Control Panel > Power Options > Power Plan/Power Saver (names may vary depending on Windows versions).

There you will find a window in which it can be adjusted for battery and mains operation, what should happen after a certain period of inactivity. Just set "Put the computer to sleep" to "Never" and disable the "Energy Saving Mode" and your computer will not automatically go into sleep mode after some time of inactivity. Of course, you can also set the settings to a sufficiently high time (maybe 4 or 5 hours) when you know, how long you download will take its maximum.
2013-11-22 at 12:20

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