00 Votes

PrintMyFonts: Fonts not printing

Question by Guest | 2022-09-01 at 22:13

When I go to print my fonts they do not show or print. Is there a reason why this might be? Is there a way to save a PDF file? I usual just print and then save PDF but the fonts are not showing. Thanks.

00 Votes

What do you mean with "not show"? There are no fonts in the font list in the program?

At the moment, there is no direct PDF export. But you can use a PDF printer via the print function or you can save your list as DOCX or ODS and save it as PDF in your Office suite.
2022-09-01 at 22:18

ReplyPositive Negative
00 Votes

They show in the app just fine but when I got to print them nothing prints, just blank pages.
2022-09-02 at 00:49

Positive Negative
00 Votes

Each of the possible export formats is affected?

Or only when printing?
2022-09-02 at 01:51

Positive Negative
00 Votes

Only when I try to use the print function in the app. DOCX and ODS work fine. Just was trying to find a way to use the print function.
2022-09-02 at 15:28

Positive Negative
00 Votes

There is an option in the menu Settings > Print > Options called "Print Font as Image".

Is it not printing in both cases, with this option activated and not activated?
2022-09-02 at 20:56

Positive Negative
00 Votes

I tried that setting...both activated and not activated. Did not work for either option. I really like your app the best because I have so thousands of fonts and it was nice not having to active all the font to create my font book. That is why the DOCX option is not ideal since I would need to actitivate them. Just wanted to print only.
2022-09-02 at 21:52

Positive Negative
00 Votes

Any other reasons the fonts will not print? I have tried everything I know. Will donate if you can find a solution. Thanks
2022-09-06 at 21:58

Positive Negative
00 Votes

Let us talk about that privately.

Can you send me a short mail via my contact form on sttmedia.com/contact?
2022-09-06 at 23:27

Positive Negative

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