00 Votes

Put on Jeans with creamed Legs

Question by Guest | 2017-12-30 at 17:55

After having a shower, I always cream my legs. The problem with that is that after the creaming, sometimes it is very hard to put on my jeans, sometimes I am not able to put them on at all,  depending on the tightness of the pants.

Can someone tell me a tip to make it work anyway? I do not want to go without the cream, and of course, I also do not want to go without my tight jeans.

1Best Answer1 Vote

If I were you, I would try to wait until the cream is completely absorbed before putting on the jeans. If the cream is still wet and pulls through the jeans, that is also not so beautiful and produces ugly stains.

  • Maybe you can adjust the order when you are getting ready (first shower, then cream, then eat, then brush your teeth etc and finally putting on the clothes).
  • If that does not work, I would pay attention to use a lotion that is as low in greasy as possible. The more fat, the more sticky the skin becomes. There are also "creams", that you can rub under running water.
  • If all this does not help and the time is too short, you can also put on tights or a pantyhose under the jeans, so you get the jeans on in any case independent from your skin.

I hope I could help you...
2017-12-31 at 17:27

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