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Are there Jobs in which it is mandatory to wear High Heels?

Question by Guest | 2018-01-05 at 16:29

I just talked with some friends about my future profession and thought about what to pay attention to and what you need to consider.

We also spoke about the subject of dress code and asked ourselves the question in which professions high shoes or high heels could be obligatory and a prescribed duty. Does anyone know more about it? Is there any obligation regading high heels in some jobs?

1Best Answer1 Vote

There is no job or provision, for which there is a proper regulation or official obligation to wear high heels, because nobody can officially force someone to wear high shoes. However, depending on the company, position and boss, there are of course personal agreements and opinions on how to dress.

Especially as a secretary, stewardess, fair hostess, model or as an employee/representative at banks or insurance companies, you will certainly (more or less) be expect to wear higher shoes.
2018-01-06 at 15:46

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