22 Votes

High Heels: Measure height of heel correctly

Question by Supermausi | Last update on 2023-11-30 | Created on 2013-01-19

I wonder how to properly measure the height of the heel of high-heeled shoes.

Depending on how I set up the ruler, I get different results for the same heel. Can someone help me?

11 Vote

Place the shoe straightly on a table and hold a ruler next to it vertically, so that it forms a right angle to the table. The heel height is the height from the table to the point where the heel is over and the "shoe" begins.

If you simply lean the ruler against the heel, this distorts the results because the heels are mostly inclined and usually do not go straight down.
2013-01-21 at 16:55

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3Best Answer3 Votes

It's simple: Just stand on the floor and scale you. Once with and once without your high heels shoes.

If you subtract the one result from the other result, you know how high your heel is and how many centimeters it makes you taller.
Last update on 2023-11-30 | Created on 2013-01-24

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