22 Votes

Which High Heels are most comfortable?

Question by Guest | 2015-10-02 at 17:22

I would like to go out wearing high heels more often, but unfortunately, my feet are getting hurt very quickly every time I am trying to walk a bit with those shoes.

Therefore, I wonder which type or kind of high heel is particularly comfortable and easy to walk in compared to other kinds of heels. And I wonder, what I should consider when buying new shoes, so that it is possible to bear the shoes as long as possible.

Of course, I know, that high heels can never be that comfortable like sneakers do, and I also know with that wants to be beautiful has to suffer, but, there are surely some differences which I can care about, right?

2Best Answer2 Votes

Personally, I think that high heels with plateau or wedges are the most comfortable ones.

When considering high heels with plateau, the heeel and the shoe is never that high as it seems. For example, when the rlateau high heels are having a 10 cm heel, this is perhaps 4 cm plateau and only 6 cm height difference.

And when thinking about the wedge heels, in my opinion, you have much more grip and hold in comparison to other footwear which is making the feet not that stressed and tired quickly.
2015-10-04 at 11:58

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11 Vote

I think, Lipstick is definitely right. I would like to still complete and that it is absolutely depending on how well the shoes are fitting your feet. According to my opinion, the most expensive shoes do not have to be the best fitting ones, however, the show has to be in harmony with your foot. Every shoe that does not fit in the fitting, will never fit later.

Otherwise, you can also experiment with gel pads or other inlays and of course, there is the most important thing you have to keep in mind: the practice. The more you are wearing high heels, the better you can walk and the more you will find them comfortable. 
2015-10-04 at 21:26

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