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Stopping a Print Run/Print Job on Mac OS X

Question by Guest | 2014-05-01 at 12:22

I have a brother HL 2035 laser printer linked to my MacBook.

How do I stop a print run if I have, for example, selected a 100 copies instead of 1 by mistake. My print menu on the laptop has no cancel button and at the moment I have no alternative but to let the printer run its course which is a complete waste.

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In order to stop a print job on Mac OS X, you can proceed as follows:

  1. Go to the Print Center. You can find it at Applications > Utilities.
  2. A List with the Printers should appear.
  3. Select "Show Queue" from the menu.
  4. Select the print job you would like to stop and click on "Delete" 

This should kill stop your started print out.

Alternatively, you can select the icon of the printer from the Dock (if there is one). Also from this place you can access the Printer Queue and delete the printer run.

But be careful: Also if you have stopped the print run from the menu, in most cases the printer will not stop printing immediately because the data that already has been sent to the printer will still be processed.

PS: Friends of Terminal commands can also delete a print job with "cancel -a" using the Terminal.
2014-05-01 at 15:01

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